Hello…is it me you’re looking for?


I miss you guys so much!

Since going back to work and moving to a new city, so much has happened…

  • The new job is kicking my butt! Not only are they NOT paying me for my level of education, but they act as if I should work from home…NOT! We aren’t even going to start that so I clearly set the expectation that I HAVE A LIFE! So working from home isn’t an option.
  • I finally submitted my paper to the IRB for review. I’m so excited! My chair tells me, now you can re-write chapters 1 & 2 in past tense. WTH?!?! Yep, gotta do what I gotta do.
  • My Mother’s situation has been all over the map. She had outpatient surgery to remove a synovial cyst from her spine September 8, by September 10, she was back in the hospital with an infection. Because of her cancer, her immune system is compromised so the infection developed quickly. She was in the hospital for almost a week before she was moved to one of the best rehab facilities in NJ. She’s been there for almost two weeks now. My son and I went up two weekends ago to check on her. While there she was doing well but then developed a fever and much of her progress as far as movement of her right leg had left her. As of today, she’s doing much better and is slated to be released Oct. 5. A physical and occupational therapist will come to her home to continue working with her.
  • And…the guy and I are getting stronger daily. It’s crazy how we are back where we began and even better. I’ve never had anyone love me through anything like this before. That depression turned me into someone I didn’t even like, so for him to be there, says so much and has taught me so much about loving unconditionally…not just him, but anyone who needs it in spite of their situation.

So that’s everything. I’m still trying to unload boxes and decorate. I don’t know why, considering I’ve decided I’ll probably move after my lease is up…I don’t think this place is a great fit for me.

I have been attempting to keep up with reading everyone’s posts because I miss you guys so much and am always interested in what’s happening on your end. And know that WHATEVER you’re going through, I am keeping you in my thoughts, and I celebrate your milestones and accomplishments as well.

And that’s all I have to say about that.

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