Tag Archives: Emotional

Out of Sight, Out of My Mind


Hey…I know I haven’t posted in FOREVER!

I don’t think I’ve ever worked this much for a thankless job before in my life. And when I say thankless, I’m referring to the pay. THAT’S IT!

So that’s why I haven’t been on here as much as I’d like to be. I’ve been reading posts via emails, but not “liking” them, just binge reading them whenever I can.

As for me…I absolutely love my students. They are really some amazing little people. In all of my 16 years, they are THE MOST well-behaved students I’ve ever had…EVER! I have students from El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Nepal, Burma, Mexico, and of course this country as well. I’ve been trying to improve my Spanish and learn some sayings in the languages of my Burmese students as well.

Aside from that, I still find myself struggling with my emotions and “happiness.” My mother’s health is up and down. I feel the NEED to be in NJ with her so NC really isn’t doing it for me right now. And I still do not have not one friend here.

He and I are still an item. But I continue to be conflicted about my feelings for him. He’s been 100% consistent, so of course I continue to feel guilty about my lack of consistency. Some days I wish he’d just tell me “Bye, Felicia.” While others I appreciate his presence. Some days I think that I don’t HAVE to be in a relationship, I was much happier alone, when I could do what I wanted when I wanted. But then he comes to the rescue or does something really thoughtful and I remember how no one else has EVER been this consistent or thoughtful. So yeah…I feel like an ASS.

And that’s all I have to say about that.



Since middle school, I always had a feeling…

“Life for me wouldn’t be no crystal stair.”

~Mother to Son by Langston Hughes



So when I think about my current situation, I find myself going between being


to sad,

to disappointed,

to curious,

to excited,

to determined.

So many emotions tied to this particular time in my life.

When we think about all of the crappy parts of our lives, they shouldn’t make us so sad, or crazy. What kind of book would it be if everything went perfectly?

One boring ass book!