Am I Hungry or Hangry? Day 4


If you look at my elementary school pictures, you will notice from third grade to fourth grade I put on weight. I remember my mother freaking out and taking me to the doctor to try to figure out why I was “fat” all of a sudden.

Then she put me in dancing school. I stayed at that until 8th grade. When I look at pictures of myself from that time, I wasn’t fat, I also wasn’t skinny. But I remember feeling fat and not pretty.

After I became an adult I went back in my memories to try to figure out the how and why behind my weight gain and ongoing struggle.

My father.

He worked constantly until his accident when I was in 3rd grade. Then he was there…ALL THE TIME! IN THE WAY! TRYING TO ENFORCE RULES! He failed to realize that my Mother was in charge of ME! NOT HIM!

So maybe I began eating more? I honestly don’t remember, I just knew that I was suddenly wearing “chubby” clothes.

Anyway, I’ve often labeled myself an “emotional eater.” But why? How do I stop?

I am constantly aware of what I eat, and I also make excuses for eating the wrong things. [Which is why I’m at the gym at least 4 days a week.]

Why was I emotionally unsatisfied then?

Why am I emotionally unsatisfied now?

What will satisfy me emotionally?

One last thing…CARBS ARE THE DEVIL.

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