Shedding the Weight…Day 1


Today was a good day!

I cried a lot yesterday. I needed to. It had been bottled up for far too long and I had to get it out.

But I awoke today and vowed that I would consciously practice being mindful. I noticed the little things on the way to work. I thought about the people and things for which I was grateful. Concentrated on my breathing. I listened to Deepak and tried to keep the negative thoughts from creeping in.

They did. A few times.

But I quickly, and deliberately, changed my thinking to something that would make my heart smile.

The students didn’t even get on my nerves today. I told myself I would no longer allow that.

Then I received a phone call from a person I just happened to see on FB. He could be in a position to help me move my career along. And although he’s younger than I, I am open to what he has to say and the knowledge he will impart. I, on the other hand, am excited to possibly assist him in his doctoral studies.

There was a time when I had very little negative talk. I was all about being positive. I am trying desperately to get back to her.

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